

Journeys to Places Near and Far

I am, first and foremost, what you might call an armchair traveler.


I often travel using nothing but my imagination. In a way, we all create inner journeys, surpassing those we undertake physically. Traveling often combines visiting exotic places and experiencing adventures, qualities that characterize all trips.


Fictional traveling aside, undertaking a physical journey is, for most people, the more common way to travel. We visit foreign shores on family vacations, go to bustling cities and the natural world's beauty, and stand in awe in front of ancient sites.


No matter how you travel, the experiences of undertaking a journey will always fill your memory bank with more adventures, new smells, and new visions, forever altering how you look at the world and beyond. That is in itself, perhaps, the most important benefit of any travel.

Benefits of Armchair Travel

Shear enjoyment

Armchair travel is a worthwhile activity that can bring immense joy by allowing us to explore new places, cultures, and historical periods from the comfort of our homes. This hobby does not necessarily have to serve a practical purpose or result in a tangible product to justify the time spent. Spending an hour getting lost in a faraway destination can be a delight.

Feed the imagination

Engaging in enjoyable activities can enhance our imagination and creativity. Exploring new settings and cultures can enrich memory with vivid images and sensory experiences. Gaining a broader understanding of the world and its people can broaden our perspectives and foster empathy toward others.

Places you can't or won't go

There are certain places in the world that people cannot or will not visit. A few countries are politically closed each year and require special access beyond an ordinary passport. Some locations, such as the North Pole, Antarctica, and Mount Everest, are too challenging or expensive to reach. Additionally, some places exceed our comfort zone. While traveling is an excellent way to expand our horizons, everyone has a limit.

We can still explore and learn about new places despite facing particular obstacles. Even if we cannot physically travel to these locations, we can use our imagination to envision ourselves climbing mountains, visiting exotic destinations, or crossing borders that may be inaccessible. We can simulate these experiences from the comfort of our living rooms, allowing us to expand our understanding of the world around us.

Time travel

Travel allows us to explore different historical periods, but unfortunately, we can't physically travel back in time. However, through armchair travel, we can imagine and visualize what life was like in the past, hundreds of years ago. While this may not provide a complete view, it is the only way to experience history differently.

No access cultures

Outsiders cannot fully experience certain lifestyles, genetic traits, or cultural traditions. However, armchair travel offers us a glimpse into these worlds. When a journalist, archaeologist, or historian is granted access to a particular community and then shares their experience with the world, we all benefit. Occasionally, someone from within that community may reveal their experiences - whether oppression or abundance, prejudice or acceptance, tradition or ritual - and thus provide us with insights into human experiences that we may never personally encounter.

Stress-free travel

Armchair travel is an affordable way to explore the world without spending any money, except for the cost of buying books. It requires minimal planning, as all you need to do is sit down and open a good book. Unlike actual travel, you won't experience jet lag while exploring from the comfort of your armchair. Plus, you can return from your virtual trip completely refreshed and well-rested.

Learn a thing or two.

Armchair travel expands our knowledge and understanding of the world. It's like filling up an empty closet with hangers - learning about different cultures and places better equips us to collect and organize new information. For instance, if you read a novel set in Estonia, the next time the Estonian economy is mentioned in the news, you will be more likely to pay attention and understand the context.

Engaging in geography-based board games can help you gain a mental image of the world, making it easier to discuss different countries in conversations. By virtually touring Yosemite National Park, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for its conservation and be better equipped to participate in debates about its protection in Congress.


Traveling with your mind doesn't contribute to your carbon footprint. The most effective way to reduce travel-related emissions is not to travel at all.



