Unixplorian Reading Society


We take our reading seriously, and what better way to share our reading experiences than in a society of fellow readers? 

The Unixplorian Reading Society is a club that offers friendship, challenges, and advice on reading across all genres.

We promote reading in all forms but prefer real books to digital devices. Nothing can compete with a paper book's texture, smell, and feel!


Try to keep up with the royal family as they undertake another reading challenge. The goal is to read at least 50 books each year. Every book counts, whether nonfiction, fiction, or graphic novel. His Royal Highness, King Leif I, is perhaps the most voracious reader in the royal house, but we know he is not alone in his kingdom.

The love of books is a shared passion among Unixplorians, and a reading challenge is a great way to improve your reading results each year. So, bring out your to-be-read pile and start reading!  

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