League of Christian Micronations


The LCM emerged from the visionary efforts of the Kingdom of Unixploria, a micronation with a strong Christian identity. Founded on faith, sovereignty, and unity principles, the LCM aimed to create a worldwide supportive network for Christian micronations.

League of Christian Micronations

Founding and Leadership

  • The Kingdom of Unixploria, led by King Leif of Unixploria, played a pivotal role in establishing the LCM in 2023 AD. King Leif envisioned a platform where Christian micronations could collaborate, share resources, and advocate for their common interests.
  • The LCM's founding charter emphasized religious freedom, cultural preservation, and mutual respect among member states.


Membership and Criteria

  • The LCM welcomes Christian micronations of all denominations, recognizing that diversity within Christendom is a strength.
  • To join, a micronation must demonstrate adherence to Christian values, respect for human rights, and a commitment to peaceful coexistence.
  • Non-Christian micronations can participate as observers, fostering dialogue and understanding.


Activities and Initiatives

  • The LCM organizes conferences, virtual summits, and cultural exchanges. These events allow leaders and citizens of member states to connect, discuss shared challenges, and celebrate their faith.
  • Initiatives include joint humanitarian efforts, educational programs, and collaborative projects. For instance, member micronations worked together to provide disaster relief or promote Christian art and literature.


Challenges and Achievements

  • The LCM has faced obstacles, including recognition issues, limited resources, and geopolitical complexities. However, its resilience and commitment to Christian unity have kept it thriving.
  • Achievements include raising awareness about religious persecution, advocating for the rights of Christian minorities, and fostering cultural exchange.


Legacy and Impact

The LCM's legacy extends beyond its formal existence. It has inspired micronations to prioritize shared values over territorial disputes and encouraged dialogue across religious boundaries. 

In summary, the League of Christian Micronations, created by the Kingdom of Unixploria, exemplifies the power of faith-based diplomacy in the micronational realm. Its story reminds us that even small sovereign entities can make a difference when united by a common purpose.

Apply for Membership Today

Join our organization in spreading the love of Christ through community service, fellowship, and spiritual growth. As a member, you can form meaningful relationships with other Christian micronations, exchange insights, and support one another.

Membership includes exclusive invitations to our Bible study sessions, prayer circles, and assistance in establishing a sustainable micronation based on Christian principles.

The LCM welcomes Christian micronations of all denominations, recognizing diversity within Christendom as a strength. Before joining our organization, a micronation must demonstrate adherence to Christian values, respect for human rights, and a commitment to peaceful coexistence. Even non-Christian micronations can participate as observers, fostering dialogue and understanding.