October 15, 2002
Yngve Löwegren's Curiosity Cabinets of Natural History in Sweden during the 18th Century. A Contribution to the History of Zoology.
Original Title: Yngve Löwegrens Naturaliekabinett i Sverige under 1700-talet. Ett bidrag till zoologiens historia.
Language: Swedish.
Statistics: 6 pages, 1448 words.
April 20, 2002
Analyzing Susan M. Pearce's book Museums, Objects, and Collections.
Original Title: En analys av Susan M. Pearces bok Museums, objects and collections.
Language: Swedish.
Statistics: 5 pages, 1380 words.
October 20, 2000
Carl Linnaeus as a Natural History Collector. Ethical Views on Natural History Collecting in the 1700s.
Original Title: Carl von Linné som naturaliesamlare. Etik och syn på naturaliesamlandet under 1700-talet.
Language: Swedish.
Statistics: 9 pages, 2037 words.
April 20, 2002
Analyzing Werner Muensterberger's book Collecting - An Unruly Passion.
Original Title: En analys av Werner Muenster-bergers bok Collecting - An Unruly Passion.
Language: Swedish.
Statistics: 5 pages, 1121 words.
September 20, 2001
Carl Linnaeus and Natural History Collecting. A Study of the Use, Political Background, and Social Context During the Age of Liberty.
Original Title: Carl von Linné och naturaliesamlandet. En studie av naturaliesamlandets nytta, politiska bakgrund och sociala kontext under frihetstiden.
Language: Swedish.
Statistics: 55 pages, 16 193 words.
April 20, 2002
Analyzing Oliver Impey's and Arthur MacGregor's book The Origins of Museums.
Original Title: En analys av Oliver Impeys och Arthur MacGregors The Origins of Museums.
Language: Swedish.
Statistics: 5 pages, 1169 words.
Books, Collections, and Micronational Dreams.
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