We are an ancient nation, sharing bonds with people worldwide and of all ages. Our honorary citizens are diverse, but they all share our passion for exploring, collecting, and our way of life.
Being a Unixplorian is not a matter of national identity - it is a matter of identity. Period. We refer to identity as in Unixplorian essence, not mere subjects to an insufficient collective of souls without roots or values.
These honorary citizens have excelled in their respective fields and will forever be looked upon with a sense of awe. We are proud and honored to count them as fellow citizens.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for her achievements
as a fossil collector, dealer, and paleontologist. Her findings contributed to changes in scientific thinking about prehistoric life and the history of the Earth.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his achievements as a composer and musician. Listening to his music is like listening to a choir of angels, a glimpse of paradise.
Awarded honorary citizenship for his achievements as an independent explorer and naturalist, following in the footsteps of the great Victorian explorers.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for proposing the Celsius temperature scale, which bears his name.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his outstanding achievements as an explorer and for spreading Western culture and Christian faith.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for her courageous scientific contributions. Her achievements included developing the theory of radioactivity, and she is still the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for embodying the Renaissance ideal. His groundbreaking artwork, numerous scientific studies, and endless curiosity are examples of all Unixplorians.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for being an avid collector of natural history objects. The specimens he collected were later used to prove his theory of evolution and adaptation.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for creating many of the world's best-known fictional characters and being the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. Contemporary writers such as Leo Tolstoy called Dickens "that great Christian writer." He was all that and much more.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for creating Sherlock Holmes, the best-known fictional character of all time. Doyle was a prolific writer; his non-Sherlockian works include fantasy and science fiction, plays, romances, poetry, nonfiction, and historical novels.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his extensive collections of fossils and his contributions to the study of paleontology. Cope competed with rival paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh in frenzied Western American expeditions known as the Bone Wars. May they both rest in peace.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for being the first European to have discovered North America.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his literary legacy and contributions to chamber music. He promoted National Romanticism while advocating Liberalism, an act of intellectual curiosity.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his cartographic contributions. During his expeditions to Central Asia, he made the Trans Himalaya known in the West and located Brahmaputra, Indus, and Sutlej Rivers' sources. He also mapped lake Lop Nur.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his poems and prose filled with great joy of life, often imbued with a love of history and scenery, particularly its physical aspects. Heidenstam received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1916.
He was awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his Kon-Tiki expedition in 1947. He sailed 8,000 km across the Pacific Ocean in a hand-built raft from South America to the Tuamotu Islands. A true explorer and adventurer.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his contributions to education. He is perhaps best known as 'Darwin's Bulldog,' but he also advocated a new school system with a wide range of disciplines similar to what is taught today.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for being a true polymath and a notable collector o who published around 40 major works. Kircher has been compared to Leonardo da Vinci for his enormous range of interests. He set up a Wunderkammer or Curiosity Cabinet and wrote several theses on how collecting relates to knowledge.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for renewing children's literature and showing generations of young people the magical power of storytelling.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his contributions to biological taxonomy, especially in botany, and for being a notable natural history collector.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his extensive collections of fossils and his contributions to the study of paleontology. Marsh competed with rival paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope in frenzied Western American expeditions known as the Bone Wars. May they both rest in peace.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his inspiring books. Moberg depicted dispossessed life, traditions, customs, and everyday struggle and steadfastly defended democracy.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his outstanding scientific work. He is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists and a key figure in the scientific revolution. Besides his scientific work, he was also a devout Christian. He warned against using scientific findings to view the Universe as a mere machine. He said, "Gravity explains the planets' motions but cannot explain who set them in motion. God governs all things and knows all that can be done."
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his accomplishments in exploring the Arctic. The famous Vega expedition resulted in the first complete crossing of the Northeast Passage.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his literary work. Poe is generally considered the inventor of the detective fiction genre and is further credited with contributing to the emerging genre of Science Fiction. His short stories are surpassed by none.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his patronage of the arts and sciences and was a notable collector of curiosities.
He was awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his extensive writings and scholarly pursuits, proving that a humble background can be a stepping stone to great deeds.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for collecting culture and nature on a global scale, thus laying the foundations for the British Museum, the world's first public museum.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his bold experiments in various literary genres and for being a true polymath.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his national romantic epic Frithjof's Saga. The book still stands as the best impression of life in early Scandinavia, in an imaginative form.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system. Tesla also pursued his ideas for wireless lighting and worldwide wireless electric power distribution in his high-voltage system. He even announced the possibility of wireless communication with his devices—a true inventor.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for her keen interest in the arts and sciences. She had personal opinions differing from what was expected of a reigning queen then.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his amazing stories and for being one of the founding fathers of Science Fiction, which later resulted in the subgenre Steampunk, inspired by 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.
Awarded posthumous honorary citizenship for his amazing stories. He was a prophetic social critic and a futurist. He wrote utopian works and foresaw the advent of airplanes, tanks, space travel, nuclear weapons, satellite television, and something resembling the World Wide Web.
Books, Collections, and Micronational Dreams.
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