In Christianity, a name day is a tradition in many countries of Europe and the Americas, among other parts of Christendom, including the Kingdom of Unixploria.
It consists of celebrating a day of the year associated with one's baptismal name, which is normatively that of a biblical character or other saint. Where they are popular, individuals celebrate their name day and birthday in a given year.
We celebrate name days to honor our Scandinavian roots, where name days, or "namnsdag" in Swedish, are celebrated on the date associated with one's given name. Each day of the year is associated with one or more names, and people who share the name with the day's celebration typically receive congratulations and may celebrate with family and friends.
The origin of name days comes from the Christian calendar of saints. Those named after a saint would celebrate the saint's feast day. Name days hold greater significance in areas where Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Orthodoxy are prevalent.
The tradition of celebrating name days has been prevalent in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox countries since the Middle Ages. Even in some Protestant-established countries such as Scandinavia, this tradition continues with certain Catholic customs.
The origin of name days can be traced back to the list of holidays that commemorate the saints and martyrs of the church. For instance, in Sweden, the name Karl or Carl is celebrated on 28 January, which marks the anniversary of the death of Charlemagne (Charles Magnus, i.e., "the great"). The church supported celebrating name days or saints' feast days rather than birthdays, which were considered a pagan tradition.
In countries celebrating name days, official lists assign names to specific days. These lists vary depending on the country and the language, with different lists for Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, and other languages. However, some names are celebrated on the same day across multiple countries. Over time, the list of name days has changed in Sweden and Finland since the 18th century.
Since the 18th century, the Swedish list of name days has included names used by the royal family and other familiar names. In 1901, the list underwent a modernization to keep it up to date with current names. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences monopolized almanacs and the official name day list until 1972, when they expired.
Competing lists of name days started to appear, but the official list was still in general use until 1986, when a new consensus list was agreed upon, with three names for each day. This list was revised in 1993 and reduced to two daily names. However, widespread dissatisfaction with the list prompted the Swedish Academy to compile a new two-name list. This list was accepted in 2001 and is now universally used in Sweden, although it does not have the official status of the 1901 or older lists.
The King has decided to keep the current list of names, and no more names will be added or removed in the foreseeable future.
1 January - (Not a Name Day) New Year's Day
2 January - Svea
3 January - Alfred, Alfrida
4 January - Rut
5 January - Hanna, Hannele
6 January - Kasper, Melker, Baltsar
7 January - August, Augusta
8 January - Erland
9 January - Gunnar, Gunder
10 January - Sigurd, Sigbritt
11 January - Jan, Jannike
12 January - Frideborg, Fridolf
13 January - Knut
14 January - Felix, Felicia
15 January - Laura, Lorentz
16 January - Hjalmar, Helmer
17 January - Anton, Tony
18 January - Hilda, Hildur
19 January - Henrik, Henry
20 January - Fabian, Sebastian
21 January - Agnes, Agneta
22 January - Vincent, Viktor
23 January - Frej, Freja
24 January - Erika
25 January - Paul, Pål
26 January - Bodil, Boel
27 January - Göte, Göta
28 January - Karl, Karla
29 January - Diana
30 January - Gunilla, Gunhild
31 January - Ivar, Joar
1 February - Max, Maximilian
2 February - (Not a Name Day) Candlemass
3 February - Disa, Hjördis
4 February - Ansgar, Anselm
5 February - Agata, Agda
6 February - Dorotea, Doris
7 February - Rikard, Dick
8 February - Berta, Bert
9 February - Fanny, Franciska
10 February - Iris
11 February - Yngve, Inge
12 February - Evelina, Evy
13 February - Agne, Ove
14 February- Valentin
15 February - Sigfrid
16 February - Julia, Julius
17 February - Alexandra, Sandra
18 February - Frida, Fritiof
19 February - Gabriella, Ella
20 February - Vivianne
21 February - Hilding
22 February - Pia
23 February - Torsten, Torun
24 February - Mattias, Mats
25 February - Sigvard, Sivert
26 February - Torgny, Torkel
27 February - Lage
28 February - Maria, Maja
29 February - (Not a Name Day) Leap Year
1 March - Albin, Elvira
2 March - Ernst, Erna
3 March - Gunborg, Gunvor
4 March - Adrian, Adriana
5 March - Tora, Tove
6 March - Ebba, Ebbe
7 March - Camilla
8 March - Siv, Saga
9 March - Torbjörn, Torleif
10 March - Edla, Ada
11 March - Edvin, Egon
12 March - Viktoria, Regina
13 March - Greger
14 March - Matilda, Maud
15 March - Kristoffer, Christel
16 March - Herbert, Gilbert
17 March - Gertrud
18 March - Edvard, Edmund
19 March - Josef, Josefina
20 March - Joakim, Kim
21 March - Bengt
22 March - Kennet, Kent
23 March - Gerda, Gerd
24 March - Gabriel, Rafael
25 March - (Not a Name Day) Feast of Annunciation
26 March - Emanuel
27 March - Rudolf, Ralf
28 March - Malkolm, Morgan
29 March - Jonas, Jens
30 March - Holger, Holmfrid
31 March - Ester, Noa
6 April - Vilhelm, William
7 April - Irma, Irmelin
8 April - Nadja, Tanja
9 April - Otto, Ottilia
10 April - Ingvar, Ingvor
11 April - Ulf, Ylva
12 April - Liv
13 April - Artur, Douglas
14 April - Tiburtius
15 April - Olivia, Oliver
16 April - Patrik, Patricia
17 April - Elias, Elis
18 April - Valdemar, Volmar
19 April - Olaus, Ola
20 April - Amalia, Amelie
21 April - Anneli, Annika
22 April - Allan, Glenn
23 April - Georg, Göran
24 April - Vega
25 April - Markus
26 April - Teresia, Terese
27 April - Engelbrekt
28 April - Ture, Tyra
29 April - Tyko
30 April - Mariana
1 May - Valborg
2 May - Filip, Filippa
3 May - John, Jane
4 May - Monika, Mona
5 May - Gotthard, Erhard
6 May - Marit, Rita
7 May - Carina, Carita
8 May - Åke
9 May - Reidar, Reidun
10 May - Esbjörn, Styrbjörn
11 May - Märta, Märit
12 May - Charlotta, Lotta
13 May - Linnea, Linn
14 May - Halvard, Halvar
15 May - Sofia, Sonja
16 May - Ronald, Ronny
17 May - Rebecka, Ruben
18 May - Erik
19 May - Maj, Majken
20 May - Karolina, Carola
21 May - Konstantin, Conny
22 May - Hemming, Henning
23 May - Desideria, Desirée
24 May - Ivan, Vanja
25 May - Urban
26 May - Vilhelmina, Vilma
27 May - Beda, Blenda
28 May - Ingeborg, Borghild
29 May - Yvonne, Jeanette
30 May - Vera, Veronika
31 May - Petronella, Pernilla
1 June - Gun, Gunnel
2 June - Rutger, Roger
3 June - Ingemar, Gudmar
4 June - Solbritt, Solveig
5 June - Bo
6 June - Gustav, Gösta
7 June - Robert, Robin
8 June - Eivor, Majvor
9 June - Börje, Birger
10 June - Svante, Boris
11 June - Bertil, Berthold
12 June - Eskil
13 June - Aina, Aino
14 June - Håkan, Hakon
15 June - Margit, Margot
16 June - Axel, Axelina
17 June - Torborg, Torvald
18 June - Björn, Bjarne
19 June - Germund, Görel
20 June - Linda
21 June - Alf, Alvar
22 June - Paulina, Paula
23 June - Adolf, Alice
24 June - (Not a Name Day) Nativity of John the Baptist
25 June - David, Salomon
26 June - Rakel, Lea
27 June - Selma, Fingal
28 June - Leo
29 June - Peter, Petra
30 June - Elof, Leif
1 July - Aron, Mirjam
2 July - Rosa, Rosita
3 July - Aurora
4 July - Ulrika, Ulla
5 July - Laila, Ritva
6 July - Esaias, Jessika
7 July - Klas
8 July - Kjell
9 July - Jörgen, Örjan
10 July - André, Andrea
11 July - Eleonora, Ellinor
12 July - Herman, Hermine
13 July - Joel, Judit
14 July - Folke
15 July - Ragnhild, Ragnvald
16 July - Reinhold, Reine
17 July - Bruno
18 July - Fredrik, Fritz
19 July - Sara
20 July - Margareta, Greta
21 July - Johanna
22 July - Magdalena, Madeleine
23 July - Emma, Emmy
24 July - Kristina, Kerstin
25 July - Jakob
26 July - Jesper, Jasmine
27 July - Marta
28 July - Botvid, Seved
29 July - Olof, Olle
30 July - Algot
31 July - Helena, Elin
1 August - Per
2 August - Karin, Kajsa
3 August - Tage
4 August - Arne, Arnold
5 August - Ulrik, Alrik
6 August - Alfons, Inez
7 August - Dennis, Denise
8 August - Silvia, Sylvia
9 August - Roland
10 August - Lars
11 August - Susanna
12 August - Klara
13 August - Kaj
14 August - Uno
15 August - Stella, Estelle
16 August - Brynolf
17 August - Verner, Valter
18 August - Ellen, Lena
19 August - Magnus, Måns
20 August - Bernhard, Bernt
21 August - Jon, Jonna
22 August - Henrietta, Henrika
23 August - Signe, Signhild
24 August - Bartolomeus
25 August - Lovisa, Louise
26 August - Östen
27 August - Rolf, Raoul
28 August - Fatima, Leila
29 August - Hans, Hampus
30 August - Albert, Albertina
31 August - Arvid, Vidar
1 September - Samuel, Sam
2 September - Justus, Justina
3 September - Alfhild, Alva
4 September - Gisela
5 September - Adela, Heidi
6 September - Lilian, Lilly
7 September - Kevin, Roy
8 September - Alma, Hulda
9 September - Anita, Annette
10 September - Tord, Turid
11 September - Dagny, Helny
12 September - Åsa, Åslög
13 September - Sture
14 September - Ida, Ronja
15 September - Sigrid, Siri
16 September - Dag, Daga
17 September - Hildegard, Magnhild
18 September - Orvar
19 September - Fredrika
20 September - Elise, Lisa
21 September - Matteus
22 September - Maurits, Moritz
23 September - Tekla, Tea
24 September - Gerhard, Gert
25 September - Tryggve
26 September - Enar, Einar
27 September - Dagmar, Rigmor
28 September - Lennart, Leonard
29 September - Mikael, Mikaela
30 September - Helge
1 October - Ragnar, Ragna
2 October - Ludvig, Love
3 October - Evald, Osvald
4 October - Frans, Frank
5 October - Bror
6 October - Jenny, Jennifer
7 October - Birgitta, Britta
8 October - Nils
9 October - Ingrid, Inger
10 October - Harry, Harriet
11 October - Erling, Jarl
12 October - Valfrid, Manfred
13 October - Berit, Birgit
14 October - Stellan
15 October - Hedvig, Hillevi
16 October - Finn
17 October - Antonia, Toini
18 October - Lukas
19 October - Tore, Tor
20 October - Sibylla
21 October - Ursula, Yrsa
22 October - Marika, Marita
23 October - Severin, Sören
24 October - Evert, Eilert
25 October - Inga, Ingalill
26 October - Amanda, Rasmus
27 October - Sabina
28 October - Simon, Simone
29 October - Viola
30 oktober - Elsa, Isabella
31 October - Edit, Edgar
1 November - (Not a Name Day) All Saints’ Day
2 November - Tobias, Tim
3 November - Hubert, Hugo
4 November - Sverker
5 November - Eugen, Eugenia
6 November - Gustav Adolf
7 November - Ingegerd, Ingela
8 November - Vendela
9 November - Teodor, Teodora
10 November - Martin, Martina
11 November - Mårten
12 November - Konrad, Kurt
13 November - Kristian, Krister
14 November - Emil, Emilia
15 November - Leopold
16 November - Vibeke, Viveka
17 November - Naemi, Naima
18 November - Lillemor, Moa
19 November - Elisabet, Lisbet
20 November - Pontus, Marina
21 November - Helga, Olga
22 November- Cecilia, Sissela
23 November - Klemens
24 November - Gudrun, Rune
25 November - Katarina, Katja
26 November - Linus
27 November - Astrid, Asta
28 November - Malte
29 November - Sune
30 November - Andreas, Anders
1 December - Oskar, Ossian
2 December - Beata, Beatrice
3 December - Lydia, Cornelia
4 December - Barbara, Barbro
5 December - Sven
6 December - Nikolaus, Niklas
7 December - Angela, Angelika
8 December - Virginia
9 December - Anna
10 December - Malin, Malena
11 December - Daniel, Daniela
12 December - Alexander, Alexis
13 December - Lucia
14 December - Sten, Sixten
15 December - Gottfrid
16 December - Assar
17 December - Stig
18 December - Abraham
19 December - Isak
20 December - Israel, Moses
21 December - Tomas
22 December - Natanael, Jonatan
23 December - Adam
24 December - Eva, (Julafton)
25 December - (Not a Name day) Christmas Day
26 December - Stefan, Staffan
27 December - Johannes, Johan
28 December - Benjamin
29 December - Natalia, Natalie
30 December - Abel, Set
31 December - Sylvester
The General Roman Calendar is a liturgical calendar used in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church and the Chruch of Unixploria to determine the dates of celebrations for saints and mysteries of Jesus Christ. The celebrations are either fixed annual dates or occur on a particular day of the week. Examples of these celebrations include the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January and the Feast of Christ the King in November.
Various religious celebrations are connected to the date of Easter. For instance, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary celebrations are observed during this time. Other saints and mysteries are commemorated on different dates per the National and diocesan calendars. Even religious institutes and continents have calendars that include such celebrations, and sometimes, the date of a particular saint or mystery may be moved from the date assigned in the General Calendar to another date.
Liturgical calendars classify celebrations into three degrees of rank: memorial (which is optional), feast, or solemnity. A feast Mass includes the Gloria, whereas a memorial Mass does not. On solemnities, the Creed is added to the Mass.
1 January: Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God – solemnity
2 January: Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church – memorial
3 January: The Most Holy Name of Jesus – optional memorial
6 January: The Epiphany of the Lord – solemnity
7 January: Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Priest – optional memorial
13 January: Saint Hilary, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
17 January: Saint Anthony, Abbot – memorial
20 January: Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr – optional memorial
20 January: Saint Sebastian, Martyr – optional memorial
21 January: Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr – memorial
22 January: Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr – optional memorial
24 January: Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
25 January: The Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle – feast
26 January: Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops – memorial
27 January: Saint Angela Merici, Virgin – optional memorial
28 January: Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church – memorial
31 January: Saint John Bosco, Priest – memorial
(*) Sunday after 6 January: The Baptism of the Lord – feast
2 February: The Presentation of the Lord – feast
3 February: Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr – optional memorial
3 February: Saint Ansgar, Bishop – optional memorial
5 February: Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr – memorial
6 February: Saints Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs – memorial
8 February: Saint Jerome Emiliani – optional memorial
8 February: Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin – optional memorial
10 February: Saint Scholastica, Virgin – memorial
11 February: Our Lady of Lourdes – optional memorial
14 February: Saints Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop – memorial
17 February: The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order – optional memorial
21 February: Saint Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
22 February: The Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle – feast
23 February: Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr – memorial
27 February: Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
4 March: Saint Casimir – optional memorial
7 March: Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs – memorial
8 March: Saint John of God, Religious – optional memorial
9 March: Saint Frances of Rome, Religious – optional memorial
17 March: Saint Patrick, Bishop – optional memorial
18 March: Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
19 March: Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary – solemnity
23 March: Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo, Bishop – optional memorial
25 March: The Annunciation of the Lord – solemnity
2 April: Saint Francis of Paola, Hermit – optional memorial
4 April: Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
5 April: Saint Vincent Ferrer, Priest – optional memorial
7 April: Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Priest – memorial
11 April: Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr – memorial
13 April: Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr – optional memorial
21 April: Saint Anselm, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
23 April: Saint George, Martyr – optional memorial
23 April: Saint Adalbert, Bishop and Martyr – optional memorial
24 April: Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, and Martyr – optional memorial
25 April: Saint Mark, Evangelist – feast
28 April: Saint Peter Chanel, Priest and Martyr – optional memorial
28 April: Saint Louis Grignon de Montfort, Priest – optional memorial
29 April: Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church – memorial
30 April: Saint Pius V, Pope – optional memorial
1 May: Saint Joseph the Worker – optional memorial
2 May: Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
3 May: Saints Philip and James, Apostles – feast
10 May: Saint John of Ávila, Priest and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
12 May: Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs – optional memorial
12 May: Saint Pancras, Martyr – optional memorial
13 May: Our Lady of Fatima – optional memorial
14 May: Saint Matthias, Apostle – feast
18 May: Saint John I, Pope and Martyr – optional memorial
20 May: Saint Bernardine of Siena, Priest – optional memorial
21 May: Saint Christopher Magallanes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs – optional memorial
22 May: Saint Rita of Cascia, Religious – optional memorial
25 May: Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest, and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
25 May: Saint Gregory VII, Pope – optional memorial
25 May: Saint Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Virgin – optional memorial
26 May: Saint Philip Neri, Priest – memorial
27 May: Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop – optional memorial
29 May: Saint Paul VI, Pope – optional memorial
31 May: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – feast
(*) Monday after Pentecost: Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church – memorial
First Sunday after Pentecost: The Most Holy Trinity – solemnity
Thursday after Holy Trinity:d The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – solemnity
1 June: Saint Justin, Martyr – memorial
2 June: Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs – optional memorial
3 June: Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs – memorial
5 June: Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr – memorial
6 June: Saint Norbert, Bishop – optional memorial
9 June: Saint Ephrem, Deacon and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
11 June: Saint Barnabas, Apostle – memorial
13 June: Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church – memorial
19 June: Saint Romuald, Abbot – optional memorial
21 June: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious – memorial
22 June: Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop – optional memorial
22 June: Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs – optional memorial
24 June: The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist – solemnity
27 June: Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
28 June: Saint Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr, and Doctor of the Church – memorial
29 June: Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles – solemnity
30 June: The First Martyrs of Holy Roman Church – optional memorial
(*) Friday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost: The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – solemnity
Saturday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost: The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary – memorial
3 July: Saint Thomas, Apostle – feast
4 July: Saint Elizabeth of Portugal – optional memorial
5 July: Saint Anthony Zaccaria, Priest – optional memorial
6 July: Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr – optional memorial
9 July: Saint Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs – optional memorial
11 July: Saint Benedict, Abbot – memorial
13 July: Saint Henry – optional memorial
14 July: Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest – optional memorial
15 July: Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
16 July: Our Lady of Mount Carmel – optional memorial
20 July: Saint Apollinaris, Bishop and Martyr – optional memorial
21 July: Saint Lawrence of Brindisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
22 July: Saint Mary Magdalene – feast
23 July: Saint Bridget, Religious – optional memorial
24 July: Saint Sharbel Makhluf, Priest – optional memorial
25 July: Saint James, Apostle – feast
26 July: Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary – memorial
29 July: Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus – memorial
30 July: Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
31 July: Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest – memorial
1 August: Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
2 August: Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop – optional memorial
2 August: Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest – optional memorial
4 August: Saint Jean Vianney, Priest – memorial
5 August: The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major – optional memorial
6 August: The Transfiguration of the Lord – feast
7 August: Saint Sixtus II, Pope, and Companions, Martyrs – optional memorial
7 August: Saint Cajetan, Priest – optional memorial
8 August: Saint Dominic, Priest – memorial
9 August: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin, and Martyr – optional memorial
10 August: Saint Lawrence, Deacon, and Martyr – feast
11 August: Saint Clare, Virgin – memorial
12 August: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious – optional memorial
13 August: Saints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs – optional memorial
14 August: Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest and Martyr – memorial
15 August: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – solemnity
16 August: Saint Stephen of Hungary – optional memorial
19 August: Saint John Eudes, Priest – optional memorial
20 August: Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church – memorial
21 August: Saint Pius X, Pope – memorial
22 August: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary – memorial
23 August: Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin – optional memorial
24 August: Saint Bartholomew, Apostle – feast
25 August: Saint Louis – optional memorial
25 August: Saint Joseph Calasanz, Priest – optional memorial
27 August: Saint Monica – memorial
28 August: Saint Augustine of Hippo, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
29 August: The Passion of Saint John the Baptist, Martyr – memorial
3 September: Saint Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church – memorial
8 September: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – feast
9 September: Saint Peter Claver, Priest – optional memorial
12 September: The Most Holy Name of Mary – optional memorial
13 September: Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
14 September: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross – feast
15 September: Our Lady of Sorrows – memorial
16 September: Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs – memorial
17 September: Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
17 September: Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
19 September: Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr – optional memorial
20 September: Saints Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, Paul Chong Ha-sang, and Companions, Martyrs – memorial
21 September: Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist – feast
23 September: Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest – memorial
26 September: Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs – optional memorial
27 September: Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest – memorial
28 September: Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr – optional memorial
28 September: Saint Lawrence Ruiz and Companions, Martyrs – optional memorial
29 September: Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels – feast
30 September: Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church – memorial
1 October: Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church – memorial
2 October: The Holy Guardian Angels – Memorial
4 October: Saint Francis of Assisi – memorial
5 October: Saint Faustina Kowalska, Virgin – optional memoriala
6 October: Saint Bruno, Priest – optional memorial
7 October: Our Lady of the Rosary – memorial
9 October: Saint Denis, Bishop, and Companions, Martyrs – optional memorial
9 October: Saint John Leonardi, Priest – optional memorial
11 October: Saint John XXIII, Pope – optional memorial
14 October: Saint Callistus I, Pope and Martyr – optional memorial
15 October: Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin, and Doctor of the Church – memorial
16 October: Saint Hedwig, Religious – optional memorial
16 October: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin – optional memorial
17 October: Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr – memorial
18 October: Saint Luke, Evangelist – feast
19 October: Saints John de Brébeuf, Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs – optional memorial
19 October: Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest – optional memorial
22 October: Saint John Paul II, Pope – optional memorial
23 October: Saint John of Capistrano, Priest – optional memorial
24 October: Saint Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop – optional memorial
28 October: Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles – feast
1 November: All Saints – solemnity
2 November: The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed – ranked with solemnities
3 November: Saint Martin de Porres, Religious – optional memorial
4 November: Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop – memorial
9 November: The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica – feast
10 November: Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church – memorial
11 November: Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop – memorial
12 November: Saint Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr – memorial
15 November: Saint Albert the Great, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
16 November: Saint Margaret of Scotland – optional memorial
16 November: Saint Gertrude, Virgin – optional memorial
17 November: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious – memorial
18 November: The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles – optional memorial
21 November: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – memorial
22 November: Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr – memorial
23 November: Saint Clement I, Pope and Martyr – optional memorial
23 November: Saint Columban, Abbot – optional memorial
24 November: Saints Andrew Dung-Lac, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs – memorial
25 November: Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin and Martyr – optional memorial
30 November: Saint Andrew, Apostle – feast
(*) Last Sunday in Ordinary Time: Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – solemnity
3 December: Saint Francis Xavier, Priest – memorial
4 December: Saint John Damascene, Priest and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
6 December: Saint Nicholas, Bishop – optional memorial
7 December: Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church – memorial
8 December: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary – solemnity
9 December: Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin – optional memorial
10 December: Our Lady of Loreto – optional memorial
11 December: Saint Damasus I, Pope – optional memorial
12 December: Our Lady of Guadalupe – optional memorial
13 December: Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr – memorial
14 December: Saint John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church – memorial
21 December: Saint Peter Canisius, Priest and Doctor of the Church – optional memorial
23 December: Saint John of Kanty, Priest – optional memorial
25 December: Nativity of the Lord – solemnity
26 December: Saint Stephen, the First Martyr – feast
27 December: Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist – feast
28 December: The Holy Innocents, Martyrs – feast
29 December: Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr – optional memorial
31 December: Saint Sylvester I, Pope – optional memorial
(*) Sunday within the Octave of Christmas, or, if there is no such Sunday, 30 December: The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph – feast
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