A Complete Table of Contents of UNIXPLORIA.NET, including subdomains and sister-sites.
Our official site and subdomains contain over 40,000 pages of text and images.
The average reader will read 40,000 pages in 1111.1 hours when reading at a speed of 300 words per minute. Typical documents that are 40,000 pages or more include full-length novels. A standard single-spaced page is 500 words long. Depending on your average reading speed, you may read faster or slower than this. Adults typically read at about 300 words per minute when reading fiction for enjoyment, but that will depend on the type of book or material. For example, detailed scientific research typically requires more focus and attention to detail, slowing reading to 125 words per minute. College students usually need to be able to read 400-450 words per minute to consume textbook content quickly.
In short, you could spend months or even years on our site reading about our glorious kingdom. Feel free to browse our sitemap to find something of interest!
4.1.1 Unixplorian Peace Ambassadors
Most micronations post the same content on all social media channels. We want to be different.
If you follow us on Facebook, you will not get the same content as if you follow us on Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, or Tumblr. We promise you will never see the same content on our social media channels.
is reserved for general updates and posts regarding political and cultural development in our kingdom.
Updated: At least two times a week.
is reserved for sharing photographs of our kingdom. Pictures from Regent House and our national museums will be mixed with snapshots of more general, Unixplorian topics.
Updated: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
is reserved for images on topics that Unixplorians find interesting.
Updated: At least two times a week.
is reserved for video content regarding all things Unixploria. Our TV network, UTV, will broadcast everything from new acquisitions to our national museums to more in-depth cultural, political, and educational programs.
Updated: Dormant.
Books, Collections, and Micronational Dreams.
Copyright © 2006-2025. The Kingdom of Unixploria.