The Stronghaven Cemetery is the resting place for animals and humans in Unixploria's capital, Stronghaven. We act as a memorial haven for all Unixplorians even though their physical, earthly bodies are no longer with us.
We honor our deceased relatives and pets by keeping the memory alive through written words and photographs.
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou took: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. (Genesis 3:19 KJV)
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. (Genesis 2:7)
Members of the royal family include more than the Royal Family in Unixploria. Our family has a long lineage and spreads over several continents.
Most of our relatives live far from the royal life in the Regent House, but we see each other from time to time. We must keep our family close and honor those no longer with us.
Rest In Peace - Requiescat In Pace
Everyone who has ever had a pet knows how unbearable the feeling of loss is when the beloved animal passes away. Today was just such a sad day. Prince Arvid's beloved guinea pig Blixten passed away at the age of 6 years.
He was a fighter until the end, but the tumor that grew inside him finally became too much. He ate his supper as usual but then laid himself down in the corner of his home and went to sleep quietly.
Thank you for everything you have given us, beloved Blixten! Now you get to eat as many treats as you would like, and with curious eyes, search for new pastures of infinite happiness.
Sir Blixten
The Royal Guinea Pig
7.7.2011 - 22.3.2017
Everyone who has ever had a pet knows how unbearable the feeling of loss is when the beloved animal passes away. Today was just such a sad day. Prince Johan's beloved rabbit, Sixten, passed away at the age of 9 years.
He passed away quietly, traveling from this realm to the next of natural causes. We noticed that Sixten wasn't entirely his usual self. Age had finally caught up with him. The eternal sleep took him from our home to greener pastures.
Thank you for everything you have given us, beloved Sixten!
The Royal Rabbit
6.10.2012 - 18.3.2022
Everyone who has ever had a pet knows how unbearable the feeling of loss is when the beloved animal passes away. Today was just such a sad day. Our beloved dog, Neo passed away too early at the age of 5 years.
He passed away quietly and traveled from this realm to the next. We noticed that Neo wasn't entirely his usual self. A dark cloud lingered and grew within him. The eternal sleep took him from our home to greener pastures.
Thank you for everything you have given us, beloved Neo!
My dear human, I see you crying because it's time for me to leave.
Please don't cry.
I want to explain some things to you.
You're sad I'm gone, but I'm glad to have met you.
How many dogs like me depart from this world every day
without meeting someone special like you?
I know my departure saddens you, but I have to leave now.
I want to ask you not to blame yourself.
I heard you sobbing that you should have done something more for me.
Please don't say that. You've done a lot for me!
Without you, I would have known nothing of the beauty I carry with me today.
You must know that we animals live intensely in the present.
Our lives begin when we know love, my wingless angel, the same love you gave me.
Please don't cry anymore. I leave happy.
I remember the name you gave me, the warmth of your house,
which then became mine.
Wash your face and start smiling. There are many like me waiting for someone like you.
Please give them what you gave me; they need it as I needed you.
The Royal Dog
German Pinscher
14.6.2017 - 30.8.2022
As many cats tend to be, Mr. Diesel was quite peculiar. He preferred not to venture outside much except for brief strolls around the house. His favorite pastimes were napping on the couch and nibbling on treats. However, due to aging, he started having difficulty digesting his food.
May he find a soft cushion to sleep on and never go hungry again.
A figment, a thumbed
maquette of a cat, some
ditched plaything, something
brought in from outside:
his white fur stiff and grey,
coming apart at the seams.
I study the muzzle
of perished rubber, one ear
eaten away, his sour body
lumped like a bean-bag
leaking thinly
into a grim towel. I sit
and watch the light
degrade in his eyes.
The Royal Cat
16.10.2009 - 3.9.2023
Stronghaven Cemetery is open only to Unixplorian citizens. Suppose you are related to a Unixplorian but do not yet share the privilege of being a Unixplorian yourself. In that case, you can apply for a temporary permit to visit our church premises at your convenience by contacting the Church administrators:
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