You can find almost everything you need to build your
micronation on this page. Nation-building is the most
essential tool for all micronationalists.
Be inspired and start your very own micronation!
Traditionally, there has been some confusion between the terms Nation-Building and State-Building (sometimes used interchangeably). Both have relatively narrow and different definitions in political science, the former referring to national identity, the latter to infrastructure and the institutions of the state. Two other schools of thought on state-building have further clouded the debate. The first (prevalent in the media) portrays state-building as an interventionist action by foreign countries. The second (more academic in origin and increasingly accepted by international institutions) sees state-building as an indigenous process.
The confusion over terminology has meant that, more recently, nation-building has come to be used in a completely different context, regarding what has been briefly described by its proponents as the use of armed force in the aftermath of a conflict to underpin an enduring transition to democracy.
In this sense, nation-building, better referred to as state-building, describes deliberate efforts by a foreign power to construct or install the institutions of a national government according to a model that may be more familiar to the foreign authority but is often considered foreign and destabilizing. In this sense, state-building is typically characterized by massive investment, military occupation, transitional government, and propaganda to communicate governmental policy.
Definitions, history and cultural influence.
A micronation is an entity whose members claim to belong to an independent nation or sovereign state but lack legal recognition by world governments or major international organizations. Most are geographically very small but range from less than square meters to more than a million square kilometers. They are usually the outgrowth of a single individual.
A micronation expresses a formal and persistent, unrecognized claim of sovereignty over some physical territory. Micronations are distinct from actual secessionist movements; micronations' activities are almost always trivial enough to be ignored rather than challenged by the established nations whose territory they claim. Several micronations have issued coins, flags, postage stamps, passports, medals, and other state-related items, often as a source of revenue.
To describe those entities, the term "micronation" dates to the 1970s. The term micropatrology describes the study of micronations and microstates by micronationalists, some of whom refer to sovereign nation-states as "macronations."
Micronations contrast with microstates, small but recognized sovereign states such as Andorra, Bahrain, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Singapore, and Vatican City. They are also distinct from imaginary countries and other social groups (such as eco-villages, campuses, tribes, clans, sects, and residential community associations).
Micronations generally have several standard features, although these may vary widely. They may have a structure similar to established sovereign states, including territorial claims, government institutions, official symbols, and citizens, albeit on a much smaller scale. Micronations may also issue formal instruments such as postage stamps, coins, banknotes, and passports and bestow honors and titles of nobility. Micronations are often relatively small in both their claimed territory and claimed populations—although there are some exceptions to this rule, with different micronations having different methods of citizenship.
The Montevideo Convention was one attempt to create a legal definition distinguishing between states and non-states, with states having "(a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states." Some micronations meet this definition, others do not, and others reject the convention. Some micronations like Sealand and Austenasia reject the term micronation and consider themselves sovereign states; while officially considering themselves, other micronations have no intention to be recognized as actual states.
Academics Harry Hobbs and George Williams define them as "self-declared nations that perform and mimic acts of sovereignty, and adopt many of the protocols of nations, but lack a foundation in domestic and international law for their existence and are not recognized as nations in domestic or international forums."
Martin Coles Harman purchased the British island of Lundy in 1925, declared himself King, and issued private coinage and postage stamps for local use. Although the island was ruled as a virtual fiefdom, its owner never claimed to be independent of the United Kingdom, so Lundy can, at best, be described as a precursor to later territorial micronations. Another example is the Kingdom of Elleore, declared on August 27, 1944, when a group of schoolteachers purchased the Danish island, which still exists today. A third example is the Principality of Outer Baldonia, a 16-acre (65,000 m2) rocky island off the coast of Nova Scotia, founded by Russell Arundel, chairman of the Pepsi Cola Company (later: PepsiCo), in 1945 and comprising a population of 69 fishermen.
The 1960s and 1970s witnessed the foundation of several territorial micronations. The first of these, Sealand, was established in 1967 on an abandoned World War II gun platform in the North Sea just off the East Anglian coast of England and still survives. Others were founded on libertarian principles and elaborate schemes to construct artificial islands, but only three have had limited success in realizing that goal.
The Republic of Rose Island was a 400 m2 (4,300 sq ft) platform built in 1968 in Italian national waters in the Adriatic Sea, 7 miles (11 km) off the Italian town of Rimini. It is known to have issued stamps and declared Esperanto its official language. However, shortly after completion, the Italian Navy seized and destroyed it for failing to pay state taxes.
In the late 1960s, Leicester Hemingway, brother of author Ernest, was involved in another project—a small timber platform in international waters off the west coast of Jamaica. This territory, consisting of an 8-foot (2.4 m) by 30-foot (9.1 m) barge, he called "New Atlantis." Hemingway was an honorary citizen and President; however, the structure was damaged by storms and finally pillaged by Mexican fishermen. In 1973, Hemingway was reported to have moved on from New Atlantis to promoting a 1,000 sq yd (840 m2) platform near the Bahamas. The new country was called "Tierra del Mar" (Land of the Sea).
The Republic of Minerva was established in 1972 as a libertarian new country project by Nevada businessman Michael Oliver. Oliver's group conducted dredging operations at the Minerva Reefs, a shoal in the Pacific Ocean south of Fiji. They succeeded in creating a small artificial island. Still, their efforts at securing international recognition met with little success, and near-neighbor Tonga sent a military force to the area and annexed it.
On April 1, 1977, bibliophile Richard Booth declared the Welsh town of Hay-on-Wye an independent kingdom with himself as its monarch. The publicity may have assisted the town's tourism industry based on literary interests, and "King Richard" (whose scepter was a recycled toilet plunger) awarded Hay-on-Wye peerages and honors to anyone prepared to pay for them.
In 1981, drawing on a news report about Leicester Hemingway's "New Atlantis," novelist Hisashi Inoue wrote a 700-page work of magic realism, Kirikirijin, about a village that secedes from Japan and proclaims its marginalized dialect, its national language, and its subsequent war of independence. This single-handedly inspired many Japanese towns, mainly in the northern regions, to "declare independence," generally to raise awareness of their unique culture and crafts for urban Japanese who saw village life as backward and uncultured. Throughout the 1980s, a "micronation boom" in Japan brought many urban tourists to these wayward villages. These micronations even held "international summits" from 1983 to 1985, and some of them formed confederations. However, the harsh economic impact of the Japanese asset price bubble in 1991 ended the boom. Many villages were forced to merge with larger cities, and the micronations and confederations were generally dissolved.
In the final three decades of the 20th century, Micronational developments in New Zealand and Australia included:- The Principality of Hutt River, founded in 1970 when Leonard Casley declared his property independent after a dispute over wheat quotas. - In 1976, an eccentric British monarchist created the Province of Bumbunga on a rural property near Snowtown, South Australia.- The Sovereign State of Aeterna Lucina was created in a North Coast hamlet in New South Wales in 1978.- In Victoria, a long-running dispute over flood damage to farm properties led to the creation of the Independent State of Rainbow Creek in 1979.- John Charlton Rudge founded the Grand Duchy of Avram in western Tasmania in the 1980s; "His Grace, the Duke of Avram," was later elected to the Tasmanian Parliament. - The Independent State of Aramoana was established in New Zealand in 1980.- The Empire of Atlantium was established in Sydney in 1981 as a non-territorial global government.- The Republic of Whangamomona was established in 1989. - A mortgage foreclosure dispute led George and Stephanie, Muirhead of Rockhampton, Queensland, to briefly and abortively secede as the Principality of Marlborough in 1993. Effects of the InternetMicronationalism shed much of its traditionally eccentric anti-establishment mantle and took on a distinct hobbyist perspective in the mid-1990s. The emerging popularity of the Internet made it possible to create and promote statelike entities in an entirely electronic medium with relative ease. An early example is the Kingdom of Talossa, a micronation created in 1979 by then-14-year-old Robert Ben Madison, which went online in November 1995 and was reported in The New York Times and other print media in 2000. As a result, the number of exclusively online, fantasy, or simulation-based micronations expanded dramatically using MicroWiki or platforms on Reddit and Facebook. The micronation Ladonia coexists as a physical territory and a large and active online community that resembles a third place, distinguishing itself from other micronations, either active online communities or claiming small physical environments. Several traditional territorial micronations, including the Hutt River Province, Seborga, and Sealand, maintain websites that primarily promote their claims and sell merchandise.
In recent years, a small but growing amount of attention has been paid to the micronation phenomenon. Most academic interest has been in studying the anomalous legal situations affecting entities like Sealand and the Hutt River Province, exploring how some micronations represent grassroots political ideas, and creating role-playing entities for instructional purposes.
- The 1949 British comedy film Passport to Pimlico shows how the inhabitants of the London neighborhood of Pimlico proclaim themselves independent to avoid the restrictions of post-war Britain. The film was an inspiration for Frestonia.
In 2000, Professor Fabrice O'Driscoll of Aix-Marseille University published a book about micronations: Ils ne siègent pas à l'ONU (They are not in the United Nations), with more than 300 pages dedicated to the subject.
- In May 2000, an article in The New York Times titled "Utopian Rulers, and Spoofs, Stake Out Territory Online" brought the phenomenon to a broader audience. Similar reports were published by newspapers such as the Italian La Repubblica, O Estado de S. Paulo in Brazil, and Portugal's Visão around the same time.
- E. Peterbus Unum, the 18th episode of the animated sitcom Family Guy, involves protagonist Peter Griffin establishing his home and yard as the micronation of Pretoria.
- Several recent publications have dealt with the subject of particular historical micronations, including Republic of Indian Stream (University Press) by Dartmouth College geographer Daniel Doan, The Land that Never Was, about Gregor MacGregor and the Principality of Poyais by David Sinclair (2003) and An Australian Monarch about the Principality of Hutt River by William Pitt.
- In August 2003, a summit of micronations took place in Helsinki at Finlandia Hall, the site of the Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE). Delegations of the Principality of Sealand, the Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland, NSK-State in Time, Ladonia, the Transnational Republic, the State of Sabotage, and scholars from various academic institutions attended the seminar.
- From November 7 through December 17, 2004, the Reg Vardy Gallery at the University of Sunderland (UK) hosted a micronational group identity and symbolism exhibition. The exhibit focused on numismatic, philatelic, and vexillological artifacts and other symbols and instruments created and used by several micronations from the 1950s to the present day. Representatives of Sealand, Elgaland-Vargaland, New Utopia, Atlantium, Frestonia, and Fusa attended a summit of micronations conducted as part of this exhibition. The production was reprised at the Andrew Kreps Gallery in New York City from June 24 – July 29 of the following year and was organized by R. Blackson and Peter Coffin. Peter Coffin organized a more extensive micronational exhibition at Paris' Palais de Tokyo in early 2007 called ÉTATS (faites-le Vous-même).
The Sunderland summit was later featured in the five-part BBC light entertainment television series How to Start Your Own Country, presented by Danny Wallace. The series told the story of Wallace's experience founding a micronation, Lovely, located in his London flat. It was screened in the UK in 2005.
- Similar programs have also aired on television networks in other parts of Europe. In France, several Canal+ programs have centered on the satirical Principality of Groland. In Belgium, a series by Rob Vanoudenhoven was broadcast on the Flemish commercial network VTM in April 2006. It was reminiscent of Wallace's series and centered on the producer's creation of Robland. Among other things, Vanoudenhoven minted his coins denominated in "Robbies."
- In 2006, the travel guide company Lonely Planet published a light-hearted guide named Micronations: The Lonely Planet Guide to Home-Made Nations.
- The Democratic Empire of Sunda, which claims to be the Government of the Kingdom of Sunda (an ancient kingdom in present-day Indonesia) in exile in Switzerland, made media headlines when two so-called princesses, Lamia Roro Wiranatadikusumah Siliwangi Al Misri, and Fathia Reza Wiranatadikusumah Siliwangi Al Misiri, were detained by Malaysian authorities at the border with Brunei, on July 13, 2007, and are charged for entering the country without a valid passport. The hearing continues.
- In 2010, a documentary film by Jody Shapiro entitled How to Start Your Own Country was screened as part of the Toronto International Film Festival. The documentary explored various micronations worldwide and analyzed the concept of statehood and citizenship. Erwin Strauss, the author of the eponymous book, was interviewed as part of the film.
- In 2010, a micronation conference was held on Dangar Island in Sydney, Australia. Micronations with representatives in attendance included the Empire of Atlantium, the Principality of Hutt River, the Principality of Wy, and the Gay and the Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands.
- The manga and anime series Hetalia: Axis Powers, in which the main characters are the stereotyped personifications of the world's nations, features several micronations as characters. As of 2011, micronations represented include Sealand, Seborga, Wy, Kugelmugel, Molossia, Hutt River, Ladonia, and the former micronation of Nikko Nikko.
- In 2012, a conference on micronations (PoliNation 2012) was held in London. Micronations with representatives in attendance included the Empire of Atlantium, the Republic of Molossia, the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis, Ladonia, Neue Slowenische Kunst, and Austenasia. A second conference was organized in 2015 in the Free Republic of Alcatraz in Perugia, and conventions and seminars were also organized in Aigues-Mortes (2016), Atlanta (2017), and Vincennes (2018).
- MicroCon, a convention of micronationalists created by the government of Molossia, has been held biannually in odd years since 2015, although its 2021 convention was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. MicroCon 2015 was held in Anaheim, California; 2017 was in Tucker, Georgia; and MicroCon 2019, the largest convention with 113 attendees, was born in Hamilton, Ontario.
- The Australian television comedy series Micro Nation is set on the fictional island micronation of Pullamawang, which remained independent from Australia because they "forgot to mail in their paperwork" at the Federation of Australia in 1901.
- In 2020, Netflix released the film Rose Island, based on the story of engineer Giorgio Rosa and the Republic of Rose Island.
- In 2022, academics Harry Hobbs and George Williams published Micronations and the Search for Sovereignty, the 'first comprehensive examination of the phenomenon of people purporting to secede and create their own country.' The book discusses over 100 micronations.
A How-To-Guide For Nation Builders.
The idea of founding a country began as a game of the mind. Like many other micronationalists, we wanted to entertain the idea of how to go about creating our own country. After this initial phase, we slowly began to form an administration.
Being a nation-builder, I sometimes need to ask myself why I persist in making flags, creating anthems, and forming governments.
It does not mean I've rejected my old country. I could not have established this nation unless I was lucky enough to live in a part of the world where fundamental freedom still reigns. Sweden will always be my "home country," and nothing can change that. However, I have created my realm, my nation, within a nation, without ever taking up arms or raising my voice. The two kingdoms of Sweden and Unixploria live in happy coexistence.
In a way, we all build nations to make things better. We build countries that we wish would exist. Besides, there is no real difference in quantity between macronation and micronation. If we were 300 million people united under one flag, we could undoubtedly claim independence and form a country, then why not do it even if you're just 10, 5, or 1 individual(s)?
You might be inclined to ask, Why start your own country? Our intentions and rewards have centered on the freedom to build a state where my family's values, traditions, and history could become theirs. We did not feel our macro nations offered this, so we declared independence.
As for royal lineage, one could argue that all the world's royal families are royal because somebody decided to make them so. Maybe it was due to historical circumstances, possibly because of heroism, and in some cases, even pure coincidence.
We don't try to hide that we are not royal as blood lineage goes, but we are royals in our domain; we are royals in the State of Unixploria. We are, in fact, in the State of Unixploria. The name "kingdom" can, of course, also be applied to neutral statements such as "the Kingdom of Dreams" or "we live in a Kingdom on Earth." Unixplorians, on the other hand, live in the Kingdom of Unixploria, and the royal family has added a bit of regal eccentricity to our great nation.
The Kingdom of Unixploria is a vision that no earthly nation has yet achieved. We are humbled to be that beacon in a world lacking inspiration and ideas. Just as the elected kings and queens of ancient petty kingdoms are now lost in history, we still believe that what constitutes a great king or queen is not just a question of heritage by blood. It is a legacy of individual honor, blood, and an ethical compass pointing to good deeds.
A micronation certainly has support from various conventions, i.g. The Montevideo Convention states that to form your sovereign nation, you must have the following:
Furthermore, the first sentence of Article 3 explicitly states that "The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states." (The Montevideo Convention, 1933). According to this, we can safely claim that we are a sovereign nation.
Micronationalism comes in many shapes and forms. Some nations are very serious about appearing like any macro national country, and others start their micronations out of curiosity or as a creative project. Unixploria results from everything mentioned, but this nation is about keeping dreams alive more than anything.
I've read several thoughts on various micronational sites arguing about the number of worldwide micronations. I never understood their debate. 900, 1000, or even 10,000 micronations might seem excessive, but is there an actual list with all the real micronations for us to browse? In all honesty, aren't we all just playing games here?
Sure, some put more effort into their micronational projects than others, but as far as I know, we are rulers of unrecognized countries. I intend not to ridicule or offend someone; I am just stating the obvious. I love micronationalism because it offers new viewpoints and diversity to societal life in our global village.
Of course, I can argue that I run a country just like any other. However, that would be an exaggeration since very few outside our micronational sphere have heard of our empires, kingdoms, and republics. There's nothing wrong with building countries you wish existed, but creating a recognized nation with all the trimmings would take more than just a website and a flag.
I think of the Kingdom of Unixploria more like a project, a family within a nation without natural powers outside our realm. Our surrounding macronation (Sweden) could invade us whenever they please; we would be defenseless. They could even take parts of our land and do so with support from their legislation. I could argue that they're violating the Codex Unixploria, but it would not hold up in court.
As long as we behave, we can do as we please. There isn't a single micronation in the world that can claim actual sovereignty. There are many separatist movements in the world, some even forming nations, but none of them started by saying, "We are a micronation." I'm not picking on anyone who wants to split from their macro nation. I'm just saying that if you are set on creating a particular country, you better prepare for complex challenges shortly.
As micronationalists, we contribute somewhat to that divide, even though we do it out of self-preservation. The latter is also my main objective/concern regarding micronationalism. In my darkest moments, I ask myself, "Is it worth it all?" do we need more separatism when our macro nations are tearing apart from ethnic and religious tensions? Are we contributing to the demise of countries and supporting mass anarchy?
Much of the basis for current nation-building comes from the before-mentioned Convention on the Rights and Obligations of States (1933), also known as the Montevideo Convention. These are the basic rules of Article 1 of the Convention:
The state, as a person with international law, should have the following qualifications:
- A permanent population
- A defined area
- The government
- The capacity to enter into relations with other states
The remainder of the first ten articles explains that a state's existence is independent of the recognition of other states that it is free to act on its behalf—and that no form is free to intervene in the affairs of another.
Please note that these are not laws in the traditional sense. You are free to declare yourself a country anytime, anywhere.
A micronation is an entity whose members claim to belong to an independent nation or sovereign state but lack legal recognition by world governments or major international organizations.
Most are geographically very small, ranging from less than a square meter to more than a million square kilometers.
They are usually the outgrowth of a single individual.
A micronation expresses a formal, persistent, unrecognized claim of sovereignty over some physical territory.
Micronations are distinct from actual secessionist movements; micronations' activities are almost always trivial enough to be ignored rather than challenged by the established nations whose territory they claim.
This is the hard part. With one exception, existing nations have all claimed available lands. The exception? Antarctica. Even then, should you brave the weather and the lack of "population appeal," Antarctica is managed by the most powerful countries in the world, and it is unlikely that they will let you plant a flag and say, "Mine!" There are, however, still things to try to get around this lack of available land:
At this point, you may think there is no hope, but we have saved the best for last. As land has become scarce, the need for new land continues rapidly, and creative (and economically well-to-do) individuals have begun to take to the sea.
No nation owns international waters, and this has spurred interest and activity. Great Britain created a military base in the North Sea off the coast of England during World War II. It is a football-field-sized structure that housed troops and weapons to strike at German invaders. After the war was abandoned until 1966, a DJ named Roy Bates, tired of fighting the British government over his pirate radio station, moved there to set up the business. The station never went back on the air, but he founded a micronation of the floating fortress instead: the Principality of Sealand. He hoisted the flag and called himself Prince and his wife, Princess Joan. Sealand resisted court challenges and remains an independent – but unrecognized – nation today.
While the policies of the Seasteading Institute may or may not be your cup of tea, it is a reasonable bet that the ocean is indeed the new frontier. Founded by the grandson of Milton Friedman and PayPal founder Peter Thiel, the would-be libertarian utopian foundation hopes the free market can generate new ideas about governance that will change the world. They promote the goal of building offshore platforms with loose building requirements, no minimum wages, and an abundance of firearms. Proponents see this as a key to the next generation of free enterprise. Critics point to building standards and low-wage workers with many guns, driven by a gang of selfish dictators, as a recipe for disaster.
A millionaire activist piled sand on a reef in the Pacific Ocean south of Fiji, creating an artificial island to start the Republic of Minerva. But if you are not rich enough to make land, make it up — some of the lighter micronations claim land on imaginary continents or planets.
In addition to the traditional territory-based nation, there is an untapped, unregulated, and unexplored area that is virtually unlimited because there is only plenty. Call it the cloud or cyberspace. People spend more time emotionally and interactively connected with their friends and colleagues via the internet. Virtual worlds like Second Life and Blue Mars create 3-dimensional environments with their currencies and constitutions.
One essential requirement for a nation—apart from land—is to build a population. Invite your friends and family to join you in this venture; you will have a small but dedicated population. If the land you conquer or build does not have an indigenous people, you must bring your own to the party.
You have to decide what you demand of your citizens. What kind of identification will they need: a national ID card or a driving license? Do they pass a citizenship test or follow specific laws?
The success or failure of your micronation will be determined, in large part, by your leadership in management. When defining a constitution, try to make it open to interpretation and further growth as your nation grows and evolves. Without a cohesive constitution, your country may fall into the disarray of dozens of small nation-states rather than a successfully united micronation. Your government and political constitution should be guided by the principles you wish to establish from the outset.
These micronations tend to have strong political views and are often controversial. Some have attracted media attention or political interest in the past, but this is rare. Despite their relative inattention, they are some of the most common types of micronations.
Many Germanic micronations, such as Domanglia, are trying to recreate the culture and traditions of the former German Empire. Similar to historical projects, these micronations promote a particular culture and tradition. Many of these also include nationalist and patriotic projects.
By far the most extreme form of a micronation, separatist entities are often much older than other forms of micronations. Notable separatist micronations include the Principality of Sealand, the Hutt River Province, and Freetown Christiania.
Now that you have territory, a population, and a government with a constitution, it's time to announce your independence. One of three things will happen, depending on what you have prepared for the world:
You must create a financial system if you are not trading in dollars, euros, or other currencies. While your word can be counted among your friends, you need some severe collateral for the national debt to be of any use. Will you base your nation's prosperity on gold, securities, or a whim and a prayer?
If you stick to established currencies, you must decide how to finance your government. The best way to do this is through some form of taxation. An option would be to create a Patreon or FundMe site for fans to contribute to your cause.
It is a fundamental duty of every state (small or large) to be able to defend its citizens from enemies. Whether this is a standing army, civilian guard, conscription, or some other defensive solution, this will be something to remember when creating your constitution.
Then again, if you have no enemies, you won't need to defend yourself and your citizens.
If you block any unfavorable issues that arose during the founding of your country, you will become a micronationalist to be reckoned with in the world. To do this, you need other nations to recognize you. This will require you to be proficient in international law, politics, and diplomacy. If these are not among your most vital skills, you would be wise to recruit skilled politicians to take on the task.
This is perhaps the most challenging step. Some nations, such as Palestine, Taiwan, and northern Cyprus, have all the boxes checked but are still not recognized by many countries.
There are no rules here; each country has standards that establish recognition. Things that can affect the result are questions like where you stand on al-Queda communism or capitalism. They can depend on your attitude towards human rights or control over natural resources.
Every country needs a flag, and yours will be different. The flag is the most prominent national symbol, but other symbols may also help establish your national identity.
What will your currency look like? Will it have your profile boldly embossed on gold coins and in 3D holograms on paper money, or will you use a symbolic icon? Will you go full-tilt modern, or try to listen to a time when each piece was cut by hand?
You can create a faux-Latin phrase like "E Succubus Opes" or any other nice-sounding phrase and add some flourishing graphics with a shield, for all indications are that you are descended from royalty - or you can state your mission clearly in your language and have a graphic designer create a logo.
With all the letters you will write to the President, the UN, the Prime Minister, and other Heads of State, you want fine stationery on high-quality paper embossed with your seal.
The sooner you declare yourself a prince, king, emperor, or Supreme Ruler, the better.
Micronationalism is a hobby and a serious endeavor that involves people from all different backgrounds. Respect is the key to peace, and intolerance is the key to war. Study existing and well-established micronations. What made them successful (or miserable failures)? What can you learn from them?
There are a lot of different communities out there. Get out and participate!
Creating a workable website, possibly with a blog feature used as a news service, is imperative. It can also be a good idea to make a Wiki article—there are several micronational wikis for you to use. However, do not forget that your nation must be more than a website and a Wiki article.
Many organizations are specifically for micronations and people trying to create their own countries. They may be a more general "UN-style" organization, such as the Organisation of Active Micronations (OAM), or they may have more specific purposes, such as the Micronational Cartography Society (MCS).
If you take yourself and your micronation too seriously, existing governments may see you as a breakout movement rather than a country for fun. Most countries have a standing army that would shorten the process with a little upstart micronation.
Get in touch if you want more advice on micronationalism.
Books, Collections, and Micronational Dreams.
Copyright © 2006-2025. The Kingdom of Unixploria.