We have taken quite a liking to this "strike-and-pocket" game here in Unixploria but with our national twist. Couronne, or Koronn, is a variant of the board game Carrom. Carrom is believed to originate from India, where it is still prevalent.
The Friends of Disc Pool (FDP) results from our enthusiasm for the game. FDP is the only national organization that promotes this game internationally. We also host the National Unixplorian Championships and maintain and oversee rules and regulations.
The variant of the game best known in Unixploria is derived from the United States, sometimes called Disc Pool, a name we have adopted for our Unixplorian version.
The differences between Carrom and Disc Pool are mainly that the Disc Pool board is more minor. We also use rings instead of large wooden discs and simple queues to push down the coils or discs in the holes.
You can place the striker where you wish, as long as the disc is centered on any of the two lines on your side of the board.
- The game continues with the other team when you pocket a disc of the opponent's color.
- If a disc jumps over the compartment, put the disc in the small circle closest to the compartment.
- If you accidentally pocket your striker, you must pick up a disc of your color. Place the disc in the circle at the center of the board.
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