King's Corner


This section of our website serves as a platform for our esteemed citizen, King Leif I, to express his thoughts, ideas, and interests with others. Apart from being the head of our royal family and the leader of our beloved nation, King Leif I embodies the qualities of a true Unixplorian.

To be a Unixplorian is to possess traits such as curiosity, passion, empathy, honesty, and transparency. Here in the Kingdom of Unixploria, everyone is treated equally regardless of their status as royalty or commoners. Together, we form a community of like-minded individuals who prioritize these values.


"Thoughts in a Haste" is a platform to express my views and musings. This blog archives those thoughts, which can be sourced from digital platforms, analog journals, and commonplace books.

Live life to the fullest; tomorrow may be too late.

Visit our king's private website, which is written entirely in Swedish. However, translations are readily available.

Click the icon to your right, and you will be taken there with the assistance of an electromagnetic wizard. Thank you for not letting us down.


  • My royal title is Leif I, King of Unixploria, Protector of Unixplorian Culture and Nature, Defender of the Unixplorian Christian Faith, Commander of the Order of St. Philip the Apostle, and Supreme Knight of the Star Cross Order. In short, King Leif I
  • I was born on 22.6.1974.
  • My home is Regent House, located in Stronghaven, Unixploria.
  • My favorite activities include reading and writing; I love doing them because they inspire me to follow my dreams.
  • My favorite color is green because it reminds me of nature.
  • I love to say, "I live in the wrong era," My most over-used saying is probably, "There's no place like home."
  • My favorite meal involves meat and gravy, and my favorite snack is pizza.
  • I consider myself healthy, but fitness is not that important to me.
  • I want to change my lifestyle, including only doing things I enjoy.
  • I enjoy organized chaos, also known as exquisite clutter.
  • I lose things all the time.
  • I don't need to change anything about my life or lifestyle because I love things the way they are. Maybe spending more time outdoors and going on treasure hunts would be nice.
  • The person who supports me the most is my lovely wife, who has helped me be the best man I can be.
  • The best time of the day for me is nighttime because everything is peaceful.
  • I like sunsets the most because they are God's way of showing us that there will be a new day tomorrow.
  • I need to have coffee every day.
  • I hope to hear an opera soon.
  • I want to see my children grow into responsible and happy young men.
  • I am not frightened of anything, and this makes me pretty down-to-earth.
  • My favorite movie of all time is probably The Shawshank Redemption.
  • My greatest inspiration is nature.
  • My all-time role model is Jesus Christ because he gave his life to save us.